
My Rudimentary Understanding Of Psych Abolition

mental health psych abolition

Just want to share what I have learned so far.

Lists are non-exhaustive.

Psych abolition is:

Psych abolition is not:

These points are the “ideal” I guess, but I do make mistakes and get confused at times when practicing it. I’m still pretty new to this and I’d very much like feedback and discussions so we can learn together.

This vs that

(The layout of this table only really works on mobile right now, apologies if you are viewing on desktop)

Current thing New thing
Psych hospitals Peer respite (it’s a very new thing & there’s a few I’ve come to know in America; don’t know any on this continent)
Counselling & therapy that’s for productivity, “fixing”/making “normal”, or promote individualism Liberatory therapy, politicised therapy; Peer support (“peer” as in no formal training in a university and/or registration required)
expensive therapy and “treatments” that’s only accessible to few, and require people/bodies to be able to participate in capitalism or keep participating in capitalism which is one of the things that harms us Sliding scale and pay-it-forward models, and eventually less and less need for exchange of the printed paper maybe?? Bartering? But most importantly I take care of you so you take care of me?
Diagnosis labels based on medical and deficiency model made without us Language made by us, language that address the grey area between diagnoses,”comorbidity” & “disorders” that have similar traits eg. neurodiversity movement
Crisis hot lines run by NGOs or govt, usually impersonal and unhelpful, sometimes exploit their volunteers Close knit community; Community that we share lived experience with (basis of understanding) and have trust & feel safe with (basis of giving & receiving help) (perhaps like the groups by @neuromancers_ but locally?); Community that all have crisis care skills, aren’t afraid to be present when someone’s in crisis
Govt support that’s only available with strict conditions Community care that doesn’t “check your background”. No questions asked/no one will be turned away etc
Deferting expertise to doctors and trained “professionals” Knowledge & skill sharing & legitimising in community, with people with lived experiences; Self identification is valid & doesn’t need to be proven to anyone
Try to find “biological”/”brain difference” causes/foundations of “disorders”, try to draw clear lines; things are only “proven” until you find something in the brain Rejects bioessentialism; social model of disability (however, it’s not anti science, and it’s not denying the link of mental and physical. pls don’t interpret things I didn’t say out of this)

You can find links to some stuff mentioned in the right hand side in the resources page of this site. There you will also find more experienced advocates & people with a wide range of lived experiences of madness and harmful mental health “care”.

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