Phos World

Hi I’m Phos!

I’m a 20-something Chinese femme living on unceded land of the Wurundjeri People (so called melbourne, australia).

I like to think about things, connect dots, draw patterns. I also try to make myself useful by doing mutual aid.


The most fundamental intention of this website is to be of service in any way possible. (saw this phrasing from this post by Maria <3)
I love chatting with people through my Instagram stories. I love the honesty, the bravery, the “sense-making” (hate the academic background of the phrase but love the phrase itself), world-building, and I wish to continue that here, without the evil monopoly social media company. (there will be a comment function in future!!)
I hope to create a communual space rather than hosting a lecture. A critical but also warm and validating space, where everything is not for everyone all the time, but can be valuable to the right people or at the right time.

Here are a few house rules for this website project & online interactions with me in general.

The “What”

I imagine I’d write mostly about “social justice” topics and adjacent. I’ll also write about mental health - healing - being neurodivergent, culture, and maybe also cooking and food, which are all political. Maybe also craft projects. Basically everything I feel may be useful to keep a record, for myself or others.

The “current mutual aid” section is Another place you can go to when you want to contribute and find the information. Numbers here are also easier to copy than from instagram :)

Long form writing will be in the “blog” section, and short & not-yet-developed but maybe interesting thoughts will be in the “fragments” section - right now it’s just a copy of stuff I said on my stories and other social media and even from chats with people, sort of as a backup.

The projects section is a showcase of whan I do IRL/outside of writing.

I will also amplify topics & materials including: mutural aid, activism, Cov1d science, reading materials, etc. I have started to collect a list of trusted organisations/activists and useful links in the “resources” section.

Get in touch!

I’m constantly in awe of what community can do together. Forming/finding my own sort of community recently opened up a lot of ideas for me, and I would really like to make those ideas into reality. Most of these projects depend on knowing and getting into touch with different people and collaborating together. If you ever want to do something together or want to use my help, pls reach out - send me a dm on insta or email! <3

© 2025 Phos   •   •  Theme  Moonwalk